outdoor bingo fun for the family

outdoor bingo fun for the family

outdoor bingo fun for little adventurers
Encourage your little ones to get outdoors, learn, and engage with nature. Spot animals and score points!
Each of the 30+ animals come with clues and fun facts to help your little explorers on their way
A fun learning adventure for the whole family
Encourage your little ones to get outdoors, learn, and engage with nature. Spot animals and score points!
Each of the 30+ animals come with clues and fun facts to help your little explorers on their way
A fun learning adventure for the whole family!

Play bingo in the park
Play bingo in the park
Play bingo in the park

Learn about over 30 critters
Learn about over 30 critters
Learn about over 30 critters

configure for your local area
configure for your local area
configure for your local area

Beautiful Seasonal artwork
Beautiful Seasonal artwork
Beautiful Seasonal artwork

Celebrate family wins
Celebrate family wins
Celebrate family wins

Track Your Scores
Track Your Scores
Track Your Scores

i need your help
i need your help
i need your help
I am a solo developer and in need of funding support.
If you would like to help, please provide your email address and i will notify you when the project goes live on Kickstarter.
Early backers will receive exclusive benefits

So far i've managed to coax Harriet to record 'ladybird'.
At this rate i'll have all animals recorded some time in 2027
2 year olds are hard!
So far i've managed to coax Harriet to record 'ladybird'.
At this rate i'll have all animals recorded some time in 2027
2 year olds are hard!
Create and find configurations for your local area
Create and find configurations for your local area
Hard Mode - Prove your spots with photos
Hard Mode - Prove your spots with photos
Compete on local leaderboards
Compete on local leaderboards

I wanted to make the summary satisfying like an 80s slot machine!